Lessons From Nehemiah

Lessons From Nehemiah

I have been thru preaching series on Nehemiah many times.  When we were teaching children’s classes it came up in the lessons we were given every few years.  And I have heard preachers do a series on it maybe 3 times.  And always in connection with a building project.  They key in on how the people had a heart to work.  Every one of them that I sat thru mostly ignored the many other lessons that the book teaches and none of them ever finished the book. 

Their purpose was to stir people up for a building project and so after the wall is finished in Nehemiah they stop the series.  The end of Nehemiah is one of those neglected parts of the Bible as far as pulpits are concerned. 

So we are going to go thru the entire book and not look at it thru the lens of a building project.  I trust that we are all ready to learn from this book and yes be challenged some by the truths that it teaches.