Useful Information
I was saved in 1998 and for the next 4 years I was under a pastor that was ahead of his time. The Internet was still young. Websites were really simple back then. He envisioned a Christian website for his church that was full of useful and helpful information. A site where people could learn and find information about Christianity, be encouraged and find things that would give you something to think about. He did not want a church website that was nothing more than a slick looking ad (that is what most church websites are today). Now all these many years later I am able to build a little website that in some ways realizes his vision. I hope that you will find posts on this website that will be a blessing to you. I wish you all the best and always remember that God loves you. Bryan
This first section is helpful internet links
Help get John and Romans and Bibles to the World
Help get Christian Tracks to the World
Help by Sponsoring a Child in the Pangia School in Papua New Guinea
Help Orphans in Haiti
Fellowship Track League
KJV Teaching Tracts What Did Jesus Teach.
Good source for Paper
Good Hymn music for Starting a House Church
Bible Info
Chart of Jesus’ Ministry