I Can Trust The One Who Died For Me

When in storms of life the sky is clouded,
When the hidden sun I fail to see,
When in mystery my path is shrouded,
I can trust the One who died for me!

When the pilgrim way is sad and dreary,
When from earthborn care I would be free,
When my soul is all perplexed and weary,
I can trust the One who died for me.

Sins of word and deed, sins of omission,
Sins of thought oft throng the memory.
When the teardrops fall in deep contrition,
I can trust the One who died for me.

World and flesh still strive against the spirit,
And the foe oft claims the victory,
But in faith I claim my Saviour’s merit.
I can trust the One who died for me.

Once He left His glorious Home in Heaven;
Once He shed His blood on Calvary’s tree.
Saved by grace, redeemed, restored, forgiven –
I can trust the One who died for me.

Love Divine, in love’s complete surrender,
All I am and have I yield to Thee,
All my heart’s love unto Thee I tender.
I can trust the One who died for me!

– Anna Hoppe

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