He Hath Said

Though thy way be lone and cheerless,

And the road be steep and rough.

He hath said, and He is faithful-

Is His promise not enough?


He hath said He will be with thee;

Shall He leave thee then alone?

He hath said that thou shalt triumph;

shalt thou then be overthrown?


He hath said He careth for thee;

Shall He not thy need supply?

He hath said He loveth ever;

Shall He slight thy faintest sigh?


Oh, His Word abideth faithful,

Changeless ever shall endure;

Yesterday, today, forever,

All His promises are sure!


Weary soul, be not downhearted!

Courage take and faith renew,

For His promise faileth never –

He hath said, and He will do!

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