George Muller – Pray for Everything
May 18 1836. “The Lord has crowned the prayers of His servant concerning the establishment of an Orphan House with great success.”
George had prayed that God would graciously provide a house, and for 1,000 pounds, and for suitable individuals to take care of the children as well as furniture and clothes for the children. God provided all of that and without George asking anyone for it.
George wrote, “I brought even the most minute circumstances concerning the Orphan House before the Lord, being conscious of my own weakness and ignorance.”
And God answered and answered and answered.
However when the appointed time came they had zero applications for any children. How can that be? This caused George to search his heart about all of this. He writes, “This circumstance led me to bow low before my God in prayer and to examine the motives of my heart once more.”
It was obvious something was off. George prayed for what was needed and God moved and now no children.
It then dawned on him what was wrong. He had took for granted that there would be plenty of applications.
George prayed for everything except one thing. He realized that he never prayed that God would send the children.
He writes, “I then asked Him heartily to send applications.”
The very next day the first application was made and within a short time 43 more applications were received.
By May the next year 64 children were living in two Orphan Houses. There was only room for 2 more children and then both houses would be full.
And all because of prayer.
He learned that he needed to not take anything for granted and to pray for everything.