George Muller – His Drive to Help Others
May 28 1833. Most of the Lord’s people whom we know in Bristol are poor. This morning, while sitting in my room, the distress of several of the brethren was brought to my mind. I said to myself, “If only the Lord would give me the means to help them!” About an hour later, I received sixty pounds which I used to buy bread for the poor.
June 12. This morning I felt that we should do something for the poor. We have given bread to them daily for some time now. I longed to establish a school for the boys and girls, read the Scriptures to them, and speak to them about the Lord. The chief obstacle was the pressure of work coming upon brother Craik and me at that time.
Feb 25 1834. I was led again today to pray about forming a new missionary institution and felt more certain that we should do so. Some people may ask why we formed a new institution for the spread of the gospel and why we did not unite with some of the religious societies already in existence. The Word of God is the only rule of action for the disciples of the Lord Jesus.
In comparing the existing religious societies with the Word of God, we found that they departed so far from it that we could not be united with them and maintain a good conscience. The methods used in these religious societies to obtain money for the work of the Lord are also unscriptural. We thought that it would be harmful to the brethren among whom we labored if we did nothing to support missionary work. Therefore, we wanted to do something to spread the gospel at home and abroad, however small the beginning might be. The institution will distribute the Holy Scriptures and will assist missionaries whose ministry appears to be carried out according to the Scriptures.
April 23. Yesterday and today I asked the Lord to send us 20 pounds, that we might be able to purchase a larger stock of Bibles and Testaments than our small fund would allow. This evening a sister, unasked, promised to give us that sum. She added that she felt a particular joy in circulating the Holy Scriptures because reading the Word had brought her to the knowledge of the Lord.
Nov 21. Today it has been impressed on my heart no longer merely to think about establishing an orphan house but actually to begin making plans. I spent much time in prayer to find the Lord’s will in this situation
Nov 23. The Lord, in answer to prayer, had given me about 50 pounds. I had asked only for 40 pounds. This has been a great encouragement to me and has stirred me to think and pray even more about establishing an orphan house.
Nov 25. I again spent much time in prayer yesterday and today about the orphan house. I am convinced that it is of God may he in mercy guide me!
There are several reasons why I desire to establish an orphan house. One of the things the children of God need most is to have their faith strengthened. I know that the Word of God ought to be enough. But by giving my brothers visible proof of the unchangeable faithfulness of the Lord, I might strengthen their faith. I want to be the servant of the church in the particular point on which I had obtained mercy, in being able to take God at His Word and to rely on it. This seems to me best done by establishing and orphan house – something which could be seen by the natural eye. If I, a poor man, simply by prayer and faith obtained, without asking any individual the finances for establishing and carrying on an orphan house, this might strengthen the faith of the children of God. I would also be a testimony to the unconverted of the reality of the things of God.
This is the primary reason for establishing the orphan house. I certainly desire to be used by God to help the poor children and train them in the way of God. But the primary object of the work is that God would be magnified because the orphans under my care will be provided with all they need through prayer and faith. Everyone will see that God is faithful and hears prayer.
George Muller was a man driven to help others. From being a pastor, to helping the poor, to distributing the Scriptures, to helping missionaries, to helping orphans. His heart is a great example to us. A drive to help others, what a wonderful way to live.