Christian History

Christian History

Christian History is very important for many reasons.  The faith of those that went before can be a big help in encouraging us to have great faith like many of them did.  Christian history can also help us see errors in the realm of religion.  A very high percentage of what has been written about Christian history is a little off.  The lens with which they look at history is not correct, so it is not amazing that they see things a little off, or as is the case with some, way off.  My lens on Christian history is based on several Biblical principals.  I believe there is no better lens to use for Christian history than the principals of the Bible.  Don’t be fooled every historian has a view point thru which he looks.  The basic principals that I use are: 1) God set His churches up to be vertical in authority and not horizonal and His Churches are imperfect.  God does use imperfect Churches and imperfect men  2) When the Bible was completed, God had given everything that is needed to do His work.  3) God’s people are sheep and some want to be led and some do not.  He gave free will to decide.  4) There is an enemy who walks about seeking whom he may devour.  I hope you will find all of this material on Christian History to be a help and a blessing to you.