A Butterfly to The Rescue
Mr. H. P. Barker, tells an interesting story of a poor woman who was being pressed by a tradesman to pay an account which she knew she had already settled. In that case he demanded that she produce a receipt; quite certain she had received one. She hunted and hunted, but was absolutely unable to find it. She went through piles of papers and letters, but to no avail-the receipt was not forthcoming.
Finally the tradesman came to her again; and made a very angry demand upon her for immediate payment. In her distress she turned to the Lord in earnest prayer, asking Him to bring the receipt to light.
Then in a moment or two, a butterfly flew into the room through an open window, and her little boy, eager to catch the beautiful creature, ran after it. The frightened insect flew over to the wall on one side and down behind a trunk. The boy in his eagerness to catch it, pushed out the trunk, and there, behind it on the floor lay the missing receipt! Snatching it up triumphantly, the poor widow showed it to the tradesman, who went away discomfited.
As his own handwriting declared, the debt had been paid. Who can doubt but that He who notes the sparrow’s fall and who would have us learn lessons from the ant and other small creatures, directed even the movements of a butterfly in order that He might answer His handmaiden’s prayer!
You could go on with examples of answered pray for literally years and still not cover them all. God has shown the teaching of Luke chapter 18 to be true over and over and over again.
He is listening, He is watching, He cares, He will answer. So ask over and over until you receive the answer. This should be one of those well da things. It should be the natural thing that His children do in faith.